Monday, March 19, 2012

Chapter 12

A Voice
It seems as if since I've started to write the story of my heart, the battle has thickened and a war has been engaged around me.
I wonder if it's because the enemy is not interested in any of us having a voice.
A real, true, honest voice. Not repeating the things that we have heard our whole lives, but experiencing them on our own. Even as I write, it seems like there is a battle to take away the gift that He has given to me. 

My Voice. My calling. My life mission.

So, for this my family and friends joined together this past weekend in prayer and fasting. Without knowing this, I, too, started a fast, feeling led by God to fast for those who do not have a voice. Those much like myself, who didn't know it was o.k. to step out and in faith experience their own journey with Jesus. My husband, Ryan, also decided to fast. Each of us separately feeling led by God, but none of us knowing about the others. I do not know what happened this weekend in the spiritual realm, but I do know that when a move of God occurs in several believers’ hearts at the same time, something big is coming
For that I am overjoyed.

To those of you reading this who have never stopped to think, does it matter what I think to those around me and do I feel safe to share it with them? I suggest you stop and ask that question. If you don't feel like your voice is as valuable as those around you, then why? I know that Jesus Christ wants nothing more than for you to be set free to be who He created you to be, holding nothing back.

The only voice louder than yours is the one that you allow to overpower your own.
I was asking Jesus about my voice a while ago. Being one of seven children, it was hard to imagine that I had a separate voice away from any of my siblings, and that it was just as valuable to Jesus as anyone else's voice.

He showed me this picture: Each one of my siblings lined up in a line. As we all spoke there was a measuring device that measured the sound. Sure enough, we all had the same volume through His eyes.
It is not that anyone in your life has a right to put your thoughts or your heart down; you are just as special as those around you.

Your voice is sacred to Jesus Christ.

I spent some time this weekend visiting the grave of a dear sister, whose voice was stolen very early in her life. If I ever falter, I sit by her grave, knowing she is not there but dancing with Jesus, but I want her voice to be heard through me and through those around me. I do not want anyone in my life to not fully see their freedom to step out in faith and be loved for who they are.

A very dear friend of mine sent this to me over this weekend, and I pray the same thing over you for each one who reads this post.

"God gave me the most beautiful picture for you today! First, I heard the feet of strong horses, rushing urgently and numerously. I saw white horses and the riders were the faces of people who love you, who are lifting you up. And behind your loved ones & beloved friends, a host of angels charging with greater white horses. He is coming dear friend & bringing His whole kingdom with Him! You are not alone sweet are being fought for! "

Find your voice. It is the most valuable piece of life you can give to those around you. I am worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for. We are all in this together.

You have a voice.