Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chapter 8

Daddy's Little Girl

Guilty. Yes, I was guilty.

Ryan and I rocked the color coordinated outfits.

Our girls wore matching dresses.

Sundays came and went with us being able to pull off the look that we were hoping to attain to. Yet, the look that meant everything really meant nothing if we were both miserable and dying inside. Why was that look so important? I guess it was just a sign that we were o.k. that everything was fine and that our lives were what
everyone thought they should be.

Now, while I'm certainly not against these things, I love a good color coordinated day, (smile) when it was portraying something that I was not, I was beginning to resent them altogether. Why couldn't I just pick some sweatpants (insert shocked look here) and a big sweatshirt and sit in the back of church and beg someone to help me. I guess pride and acceptance. That would have torn apart the image we were upholding and how did that benefit us?

Trying to live up to someone that you cannot be is crippling. I wished deeply sometimes that this could work because then we would be able to keep so many people happy, but we were just miserable. I was constantly vexed between these two things. I definitely wanted to be accepted and yet couldn't for the life of me do what it took to be accepted. I wish I could have worked harder, done better, been able to pull this off, but I was broken. Something had broken inside of me that would not go away. Broken in need of repair, "Did anyone else feel this way?" I would often wonder.

That's where Jesus came in.

He "wrecked" me, some beautiful friends of mine say it that way and I love that. He "wrecked" who I wanted to be, thought I should be and would strive to be. He took all of that away and just loved me.

What was I supposed to do with that? He loved me in my sweatpants on the couch cuddling with my Kate. He loved me when I was so frustrated with Julia I couldn't stand myself. He loved me when I lashed out to Ryan and knew I shouldn't have. He loved me when I was in high heels, just as much as He did when I was in shorts, in my backyard, watching my girls splash around in the pool He had given us.

What was that all about? That blew my idea of Christianity. So instead of me doing all of those things to "get His attention" so to speak, I already had His attention and He loved me. I had heard sermons so many times titled, "If you were born in Mary's day, would you be the Mary?" I wanted to be with everything in me. I wanted to be the one to get His attention and for Him to say, "Aha! She's the one that is doing everything right!" But, it didn't work that way. He just loved me, for me.

I had a hard time allowing myself to let this fully sink in and so I asked Jesus about it.

He again shared a beautiful truth with me.

There He sat. Everywhere in my life.

-He was at my Kindergarten graduation out in the audience cheering me on.
-He was at a church play rooting for me shouting out my name.
-He was there through a time that I had gotten in trouble where His heart ached for me.
-He sat having tea parties with me.
-He was at my wedding and with my dad was walked me down the aisle.
-He was at my girls' births and held them gently in His arms, proudly kissing their faces welcoming them into this world...

It went on and on. He showed me picture after picture and time after time where He was there with me, not just there, but rooting for me, cheering my name, speaking out love and acceptance and joy. My heart overflowed. As He was showing me these things, this song played through my headset...

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're daddy's little girl to have and to hold.
A precious gem is what you are,
You're mom-my's bright and shining star.
You're the spirit of Christmas, my star on the tree,
You're the Easter Bunny to mommy and me;
You're sugar, you're spice, you're everything nice,
And you're daddy's little girl.
You're the treasure I cherish, so sparkling and bright;
You were touched by the Holy and beautiful light.
Like angels that sing, a heavenly thing,
And you're daddy's little girl.

I was his little girl. He was proud of me. Matching outfits or not, skirts or not, perfect home life or not, I was His little girl and that acceptance changed the way I viewed everything.


  1. Such a beautiful post full of grace, yet so hard to truly grasp. It's hard to not think that you have to "perform" for His acceptance when all your life you were taught that not only performance, but perfect performance was the only way for true acceptance. How exhausting.
    I'm so thankful for grace. No more performing.

    1. I know, Sherry...may Jesus wash out our old habits and allow us to fully be submerged into His ways <3

  2. Oooooh, this is my favorite one yet! Thank you for sharing it. So beautifully stated...i have so many thought all tangled up in my head i'll have to come back and comment more later! Just knowing i was there with so many of the same weights and shackles tied to me, ugh, so many emotions! ~ kristy

    1. So thankful for what He's come to restore in us! ((Hugs))

  3. It constantly amazes me how God can be everything to everyone and right there when I need him always and forever. He holds the whole world in His hands, yet knows when a sparrow falls. He placed the stars in orbit, and created every snowflake unique. He sent storms raging across the seas and gently kissed a wildflower dotted meadow with a soft gentle breeze. He is everything to me. He created the tallest peaks, and clothed each daisy, and painted every pansy. He has shown me his never-ending, always and forever love. Even when I was hideous to myself and I despised my very existence. Jesus Loves Even ME!

  4. I admire you Becca. You have so much strength and so much courage. Thank you for telling your story. I am praying for you and praying for your family. <3

    1. Jesus has written an awesome story through our lives and I am re-telling it on this blog. He gave me that thought yesterday that it was really His story, I love that! Thank you for your prayers!

  5. Beautiful, beautiful story being unwoven!! You are beautiful Beka and I see such a beautiful God when I read your entries! That is the word Jesus spoke to me as I read this entry, "Beautiful". I could feel His love, His joy and His HUGE SMILE for you, His little girl, as I read this. <3
