Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Value of a Mom

This morning I was awakened with the words of my very expressive 6 year old, who was talking a mile a minute. "Mom, it was so amazing, I slept without my 'blankie' last night without even realizing it!" My 9 year old was close behind, not as chatty but waiting for a warm hug and a morning greeting. My baby was still sleeping after being up now and then throughout the night with some teeth just waiting to break free. We drifted downstairs to a quiet morning because per a "punishment" from the night before, the t.v. was not allowed to be on. My 9 year old proceeded to talk to me about how this punishment was exciting for me because I hate Sponge Bob anyway. 

(I inwardly smile at that thought and congratulate myself on sticking to my guns, after all, who can possibly stand to wake up to that noise?) 

We had a conversation about something Jesus had been showing me about surrender and every time I surrender something, it's as if Jesus gave me a gift in a different way that totally thrilled my soul. I encouraged her to surrender this "need to watch t.v." and see how God rewarded her surrender. Keep in mind, explaining this to my 9 year old, comes with remarks in between, filled with skepticism and how she's not so sure this would work for her. She then reminded me that her "normal" friend at school CAN watch t.v, have an I Pod and a phone and we don't have any of those things. I reminded her that I grew up without all of those things and turned out o.k. I managed to stump her for a bit. 


Meanwhile, in the middle of the conversation, my 6 year old had managed to find her new socks and fresh pack of underwear.  She had been dancing around singing making up songs about the excitement of such things. As she did, she called out to us to watch as she danced yet another little jig. She made me laugh and her older sister rolled her eyes.
 But then, when she wasn't looking, her older sister silently threw me a little smile 
so that her sister couldn't see she, too, was amused. 

Then, my 6 year old remembered she really, absolutely needed to have the new book that had come out in her school. We looked it up online to see if we could find a better deal on the book. She found several other things she would love to have while we were browsing. 

Somehow, in the middle of this, we had managed to eat breakfast, get a snack packed and discuss the dreads of substitute teachers. Then, the suggestion arose...maybe we should just stay home. After all, we all WERE coughing last night. Any excuse to skip a day.

The baby had since been awakened, due to a concerned sister visiting her room, in hopes of her waking up. They just had to see her before they left for school! She immediately needed a diaper change, which she is forever protesting and I  reminded her to be patient several times while I changed her and she kicked her feet in every possible direction. I carried her around, placing random kisses on her soft cheek. I took away whatever remnants of pizza crust she found on the ground and changed her into a new outfit for the day...and reminded her to be patient...again while she nearly scooted off the couch in protest.

I threw kisses and hugs at the bigger girls as they walked out the door and I shut the door to see a big grin from a sweet baby girl. I picked her up from her complaining position of being held captive in the highchair, and we hung out on the floor looking for very special treasures. A mirror and brush seemed to be as exciting as could be and I got lots of cheesy grins. She came to sit on my lap and play close to me while inspecting her new toys. While playing with her,  I was prompted to pray for the child with the "dreaded substitute teacher" today and took some time silently praying for a pleasant day for her and that fear would not cloud her day. We went up and down the stairs a few times, getting the sweet girl's favorite blankie and bottle.  Then, we snuggled on the couch as she slurped down her morning food. I kissed her head and played with the slight curl that is forming in the back of her hair. I wrinkled up my nose and peaked out from my glasses to give her a laugh. 

My coffee had escaped somehow after just one sip and it was somewhere getting cold.
 The floor had odd pairs of socks scattered on it from when I started to pair them up.
There were dishes that needed to be tended to and the house was getting quieter.
 I waited for the dreaded whisper that often comes when it's quiet and says, 

"Aren't you going to get anything done today?" 

But, that voice wasn't there.

Instead there was a still small voice that lead me to the chubby thigh my hand was wrapped around and whispered...

"Each time you kiss a soft cheek, hold the hand of a child and lead the way, you have done your job and done it well. You have loved and after all, that is what you are here to do." 

Still pondering this, as I administered ear drops into the ear of a sweet little one,
 His whisper got louder, as I acknowledge and believed it,
 and He said...

"Well done, sweet girl. You have done what you have been called to do already today. You have loved and loved well. With your loving hands, your gentle words and your mothering wisdom, you are shaping the hearts of your children and the fingerprints of Me are all over their souls. Do not sell yourself short or believe any other lie. The value of your "mothering" has no end. Whenever you listen to them as if what they have to say has value, laugh at their funny jokes and make eye contact that shows you are representing My heart to your children. You are molding the very fiber of their souls. 
Being a mother to these three is a role only you can fill. Not only is it valuable but it is priceless. You are bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth all around you. Walk in the fact that you are not just "a mom" today...but that you have accomplished one of the greatest callings on earth, which is, being the hands and feet of Jesus to a heart that needs to be shown the way."

So, as I brought my little one up to take her morning nap, I kissed her face all the way up the stairs and whispered and reminded her that she is "God's Treasure" as I laid her down.

 I tracked down my coffee to heat it up and sat down for the first time that morning and remembered: 

Being a mom is not only valuable,
 but it is immeasurable in the life of my children today. 

And as I take the time to write this out, 
I am beginning to think that I might actually believe it. 


  1. And now I'm in tears. That just pierced my heart. I'm sitting here with a fever, in too much pain to "accomplish" anything, nursing my son to sleep. My three daughters are happily off to school (after chasing an escapee bunny around the neighbors yard). Satan constantly babbles to me about what a SAHM SHOULD be doing. And yet the essence of what I'm doing truly reflects what God has created me for. Thank you for the beautiful words of truth:) Like you said, I might actually start believing it:)

  2. Clover, you are a beautiful mom and your children are so absolutely blessed to have you in their lives. <3
