Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chapter 7

The slow change begins

While it seemed that some things were on fast forward,
others seemed to be taking their time.

The freedom that we had found was so beautiful for our marriage that I found myself crumbling under it. Being strong emotionally when I felt so weak seemed to come to an end and I found myself being able to let go of some marriage battles I had faced and settle in on my own dirty laundry so to speak. I found so many things were not right side up in my own life and began asking Jesus to show me what they were.

I had allowed other people to rule my life.

They told me how I needed to be, how I needed to live
and what I needed to do to be a good Christian.

I was a guilt-ridden soul striving for
perfection in Jesus.

That couldn't be found, perfection, so that left me feeling...never good enough. I felt this way
100% of the time and that if I could just do more, be more, my life would be blessed and I would finally achieve that perfect relationship with Jesus everyone seemed to talk about. The problem was I couldn't pull my body, family and life together enough to do that.

After I met Jesus that weekend in August, (see Chapter 2) my beliefs changed so much about what Jesus thought of me, who I was created to be and I knew, just knew that...

He smiled when I called His name.

I knew that, and my heart knew that, but I would get fooled into thinking otherwise and then I would lose my focus on Jesus. Then I would begin having thoughts of failure, low self worth and contempt for myself in not being able to pull off the whole perfect image I had been trying to achieve.

Why was it when I would spend a weekend seeing with my own eyes, healings and conversions of believers, could one person say one thing against this way of life and it send me spiraling down? The words from others seemed to be drowning me, even though I knew the truth.

This was the truth: Jesus had set me free. He had restored my marriage. He was all that I needed. He was all that I wanted. Absolutely everything else didn't matter.

Yet here I was, having no idea how to walk away from who everyone else wanted me to be, just to be me. Rebekah Faith. What did Jesus have in mind when He created me? Who did He want me to be? What did this new Friend and Saviour have in store for my life?

Surely it wasn't drowning in other people's beliefs, opinions and expectations.

I, with the help of some friends, asked Jesus about this. I saw a picture of myself with my feet wrapped tightly. So tightly that they could not grow and they were all bound up, like they do in different cultures to keep feet from growing. As I tried to take a step, my feet were bound with
other people's expectations, other people's opinions, the expected walk of a good Christian

woman, the guilt, the shame and the blanket of failure from not being the best at this Christian life. So, much so that when I tried to walk forward I would fall to the ground because my feet could not grow as long as they were wrapped up in these false beliefs or idols.

Jesus then showed me a picture of Him unraveling them and placing His hands on my feet and healing them and setting me free to run, down the path that He had created for me!


I had become a new fan of acting things out in the physical to give myself a picture of what He was doing deep in my heart and so I choose to act this out on the top of a hill one beautiful day.

I brought a white sheet with me and a marker. I began to pray and ask Jesus to bring everything to mind that was binding my feet from running on the journey that He had for me.
I wrote down each one on the torn pieces of sheet.

I wrapped them all around my legs and feet and asked Jesus to release these things
from me as I removed them forever.

Slowly, I placed each one into a pot that I had brought along and watched them turn from a mess of black marker and white strips into ashes that could never be restored.

As a sort of "Bethel" reminder, I placed some rocks on the place that I had given these expectations to Jesus.

I spread the ashes in a nearby cemetery. Those things had died within me and I stood up and walked out of the cemetery that day down a new path, the path Jesus had made for me.


  1. Ahh!! With every entry my heart praises Jesus for who He is and what He has done!!! I'm so glad you are sharing this, because it speaks to how AMAZING God is!!! <3 <3 <3 Oh how He loves your beautiful heart! <3

    1. His love amazing, isn't it? I am blown away by it as I see it in your life, too.

  2. Reading your blog, has touched my heart. I read a verse this morning and while reading your post, it brought this to mind. Ephesians 1:18. I now use the NLT, and this is what it says 18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. What stood out to me is that Our Heavenly Father, our King, Our God looks at US as His treasure, as His riches and glorious inheritance. I got so excited when I read this morning. because I know how much I fail, I know my sins, yet God see's through and past all of my failures and He see's me as a precious jewel. I know that we are rich in HIM but He see's Himself as rich in us as well. Bekka He see's you the exact same way. As a precious Jewel. Already perfect. Be confident in that, because you can do anything for Christ. Big hugs friend, I know that on your journey you will just continue to grow and become even more lovely and refined. God is already using you and i don't know if you even realize it. <3 Esther

    1. Esther, this program wouldn't allow me to comment last time I tried on this. Thank you so much for sharing this passage. It is beautiful and thank you for your words of encouragement. May we never walk in anything less than what we were created to be!
